At Round The Clock Nursery, we kick off our morning meeting (Circle Time), in which we discuss center time (choice) whereby the children participate in self-initiated activities. A typical example is a kitchen area with a toy stove and cooking utensils, a dramatic play area with costumes and hats, and a library for quiet individual activity. Other examples are an art center and a math/science center with a manipulative table and measuring cups.
Large Group Activity
This activity is usually teacher-directed. Activities may include reading a book on the week’s theme, followed by children participating in a related project. For example, if the theme is the water and the sea, children may paint on paper shaped like boats and play with toy boats and plastic sea creatures at the water-filled manipulative table.
Outdoor Activities
Children are usually scheduled to play outdoors a few times every day. Teachers help children dress appropriately and provide toys suited for their developmental level--plastic riding toys for toddlers, tricycles, and bicycles for older children are standard.
Before lunch, after playing outdoors, caregivers help children put away jackets or hats, complete toileting activities, and wash their hands to prepare for lunch.
Naps All age groups need a nap by midday. Children may rest on cribs, cots, or mats, depending on their age. Children ideally will sleep. Any children who are unable to sleep may participate in a quiet activity, such as coloring or reading.
Afternoon Children usually have an afternoon snack right after they wake up. Afterward, they play in activity centers. Caregivers circulate among the different groups to talk to children at play. For example, caregivers might initiate creative movement activities and set up tactile experiences on the manipulative table.
Outdoor Playtime: Children need to go outdoors in the late afternoon because they have been inside most of the day. Parents may begin picking up children.
Closing: Children enjoy helping adults clean up, and doing so builds independence.
**There will be no family style lunch at this time due to Covid-19**
08:30 - 09:00 Arrival & Breakfast
09:00 - 09:20 Circle Time
09:30 - 10:30 Center
10:45 - 11:15 Gross Motor
11:15 - 11:25 Cleanup/Wash Hands
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch (at their station)
12:00 - 12:10 Toilet/Wash Hands
12:10 - 12:45 Wash Hands
12:45 - 01:05 Large Group
01:05 - 02:10 Center
02:10 - 02:25 Snack
02:25 - 02:50 Gross Motor
02:50 - 03:00 Dismissal
Extended hours children will receive an additional snack

Round The Clock Nursery believes that music is essential the development in children. Why? Here are ten great reasons:
1. Expands communication
2. Boosts IQ
3. Cultivates patience in kids
4. Increases child's sensory development
5. Makes them happy
6. Improves their literacy
7. Emotional development
8. Improves coordination
9. Improves listening skills
10. It's a mood lifter.
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts are essential to promote healthy growth. There a many benefits to Arts & Crafts such as Motor Skill, Literacy, Math Concepts, Creativity, Self-Esteem and quality time spent with their playmates in social development. Round The Clock Nursery encourages Arts & Crafts to promote parent bonding.

At Round The Clock Nursery, we are filled with activities:
Singing & Dancing
Story Telling
Arts and Craft
Academic Development
Stretch and Grow
Fun and Play
Computer Skills
Potty Training
And much much more